Your free Heritage Bank debit card makes purchasing easier. Safer than carrying a lot of cash or using checks, you simply swipe your card and go. There are no fees, no interest, no hassles. But if you do need cash, no worries. You have access to free ATMs nationwide via the TransFund® network!
Debit Card
- Request a new debit card and have it in your hands, ready to use the very next day
- Swing by our ATMs in Lebanon and Camdenton to make a cash or check deposit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Accepted worldwide anywhere Visa® is accepted
- Withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide
- Access to over 16,000 surcharge-free ATMs nationwide
- Surcharge-free ATM access via the TransFund Network
- Safer and more secure than cash or check
- Funds deducted directly from checking account
- Free with all Heritage Bank checking accounts
- Secure your online purchases by enrolling in Verified by Visa with participating merchants.